Monday, June 8, 2009

Leafy Greens, Anyone?

Now that we've had a week or so of hot weather, the garden seems to be burgeoning left and right. I desperately need to get out there and thin the spinach, kale, onions and carrots. I am pretty sure that we planted way too many pumpkins - but I'll let them grow. Not only is it a vegetable that Danny will actually eat, but also a useful fall decoration.

Question: Has anyone out there ever frozen kale? If so, how? I think I will have a bumper crop.


  1. I have never grown kale so "no" but here is a site that seems to have the same ideas about it I did.
    good luck and pick early!

  2. Much like downtown Seattle, I think you have an over-crowding problem. Who knew you had such a green thumb.

  3. A friend of mine, Dawna, freezes Kale. She blanches it first and then freezes. I've tried freezing it and it seemed to me that it handled it well. However, I didn't blanch mine first. Primarily, because I forgot. I just cut mine up in bite size pieces and put it in ziplock freezer bags. When I make my favorite, Toscana Soup, I just pull it out by handfuls and add it to the soup. The kale doesn't clump together like a lot of frozen items do. It just stays loose and crumbly, so it's easy to use and it tastes the same after freezing.

  4. By the way - your garden looks great!
