Friday, October 23, 2009

Systems Failure

Okay, I've fallen and I can't get up. Try as I might we only made it 4 1/2 days in the bunker before all Heck broke loose and I ended up buying dinner. It was either that or committing Hari Kari (don't you have to be able to spell it to do it?) so it happened. I had a terrible, awful, no good, very bad day and then had to run around like a chicken to pick up or drop off my kids hither and yon. Then I had to peel a whole bag of Costco potatoes (my hands hurt too!) before I broke down. But I'm back in the Saddle Again tomorrow - I promise!


  1. You do have $15 a week to work with....did you manage to get dinner for under that amount?

  2. Dinner for 4 under $15?! I'd like to see that.

    Sherri, as a working widowed wife, you get a pass.
