Friday, February 27, 2009

Pep Talk

I've been looking at the calendar for the last couple of days feeling like I need to hurry and get things done. February is quickly coming to an end I have have plenty of things to keep me busy. I tend to put a lot of goals in time increments. Some are daily, weekly, and for the bigger projects monthly. With this month wrapping up, I thought it would be a good time to revisit where and how I am doing with the goals that I set at the beginning of the year.

Honestly, I had forgotten a few of them. Not that I wasn't necessarily doing them, I just forgot that I put them on my "to-do" list. Teaching my Sunday class, that was a no brainer. I put it on my list so that I would remind myself that it is something that I do and hopefully will improve throughout the year. Thanks to the family resources (you guys), I have been able to muddle my way though learning how to teach a class. Treats and games are great motivators.

I have revised a few goals. I made a small goal of painting the upstairs, well, I know that isn't going to take all year. I think I should push myself and paint the rest of the house...I need to borrow a really tall ladder again, anyone have one? Better yet, anyone want to help?

So, (while I channel Dad) as this month winds to an end, where are you at on your goals?


  1. I did quite well in January...I'm afraid to say that I haven't done much towards working on goals this month. I think I will revisit my goals and perhaps revise some of them to reflect changing needs.

  2. Have tall ladder, strong arm (only looks scrawny), and am willing. Now, how to do this while the kids are at school? Happy to help!

  3. Goal: Potty train Spencer--I've failed thus far but in spectacular fashion.

  4. My long term goal is just to make it through the school year! My short term goals is make it through that days homework and find a little time in there to be a Mom and Wife. And life keeps throwing stuff at me. Sunday,I have to be at school all day today and yes it's Saturday. And I wasn't even bad!!!! I'll write in my Blog everything that has happened since Jan 1, it will be a new month!

  5. I am plugging away at our goals. I write them every day in the morning to start off my day. I do have a very handy ladder for painting. Just stop by and pick it up.
