Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel...

Mom posted money-saving ideas...

Suzanne shared pictures of bike hooks that Michael put up...

Sherri told me about her cannery order...

Keira has posted recipes...

My family has been working on organizing our food storage...

I thought it might be a fun to have a place where we could share our ideas on subjects like penny pinching, organizing, cooking/recipes, food storage, gardening, or whatever strikes your fancy.

I plan to add some links to things like the family cookbook.

I've invited several people to be authors on this blog - that means that you can do your own posts - not just comment. We can add more authors if anyone else would like to join in.

What do you think?

I'm open to suggestions for titles/formatting. The title I have now is in response to a comment Keira made on my other blog:

"Can I live in your bunker during the Apocalypse?"