Friday, April 10, 2009


What does a box of food coloring have to do with doilies? Among the seminary teachers at my building we refer to any lesson extras (handouts, treats, rewards, etc...) as "doilies". It's a nice reminder to keep it real...but that doesn't mean we don't use them from time to time. The same is true for food storage. It's great to have all the staples, but it makes life more fun in the bunker if we can tart things up a bit at times. Food colors are an example of something pretty unnecessary - but fun. I was nearly out - and since this is what I use to dye Easter eggs I picked some up, plus one extra for storage. That's my food storage doily for the week.

What "doilies" would you put in your bunker?


  1. I always have "BETTER THAN BOULLION" on hand. Also, CONFECTIONER SUGAR for icing...makes a boring wheat cake consumable. SEASONINGS such as, dried herbs & spices as well as packets of seasoning mixes (eg: taco seasoning.) Although I have 'costco TUBS' of seasonings as well; sometimes they lose a little of their savor after a couple of years. OLIVES! It's amazing how they can jazz up a dish & make it seem special. I usually put them in tomato based dishes (like my spaghetti sauce) and of course Mexican food. CHEESE POWDER..makes humble macaroni a main dish! These are just a few of my DOILIES.

  2. Capers, green olives, olive oil, baker's sugar, and Barilla pasta (never mushy!) make up my doilies.

  3. Ummm, doiles?! Carp, I am soooo behind.

  4. I have to say that for us younger generation basic salt and sugar are our big fluff stuff. I also can't live without my rice.
