Sunday, April 12, 2009


So, because I can't figure out how to post on my blog anymore, you get this here. I am reminded of The Fiddler on the Roof anytime I do perform a "Tradition". So, here is to you Mom and your Easter Bunny.


  1. Cute bunny!

    So...a guitar cake last week and bunny cake this week. What's next?

  2. Awesome! I was wondering if anyone was going to make a bunny cake.

  3. Cute Bunny! You and Deb need to start decorating the cakes - I'll bake! We could call it The Fates (you know a little Greek mythology but we don't have to share one eye).

  4. Very cute! What are the teeth made of? Tic Tacs?

  5. That is the nice thing. I have no cakes to bake until August. All of the jelly beans were Cold Stone flavoring including the teeth. I am in if you can convince Debbie to join, Sherri. But no shipping.

  6. I know, I'm late....Don't know how I missed this momentous offering! But once again, you make me PROUD! It wouldn't be Easter without our coconut covered friend, huh? Very cute and yummy besides!
