Friday, May 1, 2009

Gardening Wannabes

We (I'm using the "royal we") put "dirt" in our first planter today. First, Steve leveled the dirt that was already in it. Then he had Danny spread a layer of newspapers to help keep down weeds.
Next, it was time to make the planting mix. Peat moss, compost(s), vermiculite and perlite were mixed together in a secret combination. Well, I guess it's not too secret - Steve would be happy to share it...

To mix all that stuff, Steve dumped it on a large tarp and then he and the boys turned it. After turning it and mixing, it was then time to dump it in the planting bed.

Now we just have to figure out what all to plant...I feel some impulse shopping coming on. Any suggestions?


  1. Are you planting only edibles? I always think it's very important to mix in some flowers...even if it's just marigolds for some bug control.
    It would look nice to have some trailing plants hanging over the side of the planter.
    Gardening is an on-going, life-long process of learning & experimenting.
    I am a firm 'square foot gardener & have been for 25 years when I first saw Mel's little show on pbs. I ordered the books and tapes & it worked great for me...Lots of produce and 80% less work & water! How can you go wrong? LeAnn Mitchell & I used to teach classes on the method...even to the Eugene flower club! They loved it too!

  2. I always include flowers. Always. They are so much more enjoyable to look at. I picked up a bunch of summer bulbs - freesia, anemone, ranunculus and gladioli and I got a flat of trailing flowers from Costco - I may have some trailing pumpkins eventually...

    Steve and the boys made a good start on the second planter today - it should be done in a few days - then Steve can work on the steps (that will go between the beds) and the capstones.

  3. You can do broccoli near the trailing vines since it is a more vertical plant.

  4. Since we talked today ( and I knew you were on the right tomato path) I thought of some good stuff for planting...spinach and mesclun mix. Both should do well there ( because of summer temps) and then you always have a little fresh salad to go with any meal!
