Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hunker in the Bunker report

Day 16

We're past the half-way mark now. Supplies are holding out nicely - besides fresh milk and produce we're surviving quite well. I don't miss the milk (the boys might) - I do miss the produce (the boys might not).

Meal planning for a month at a time was a little challenging at planning time, but it has saved me a lot more time and questions like "what's for dinner" are no longer a challenge. Have we stuck completely to the menu? No. But we have used it for nearly all of out dinners so far.

There have been some side benefits. We have used less gas this month - no shopping trips for food. Nathan told me he still has the same $3 in his wallet that he had at the beginning of the month. Danny has fallen in love with my homemade bread.

I am looking forward to June 1st. Maybe I'll start working on my grocery list next week.


  1. Don't start the list too soon, you might start repeating items like; apples, oranges, bananas, lettuce, celery, strawberries, watermelon,...

    Oh wait, that's what I bought tonight.

  2. If it makes you feel any better I had to go buy frozen blueberries last night. I decided that I needed to slowly start eating better for me ( if I continue to eat like Wynn I'll be dead next month!). I think that fresh produce would be the thing I would miss most if I had to eat just what's on hand. Next time you "hunker in the bunker" you might want to do it when your garden is producing!

  3. I thought about waiting until August...but we sometimes get distracted with vacations and such. It would be well nigh impossible to do this on vacation!

    I do have one more bag of frozen blueberries from our bushes from last year. I'm saving them for next week.

  4. I really am in awe of the awesome feat that you've undertaken. I bow to your greatness.

    (Is the sucking up working?)

  5. Dad did a whole reorganizing of our food storage supplies whilst I was being poked and prodded last week at Mayo. I asked him how long he thought we could last on what we least 9 months, he said. IF we're careful & eat VERY simply. I'm not of the mind to try what you're doing, BUT most grateful for your efforts to teach the rest of us! Thanks!
