Saturday, March 7, 2009

Shopping Buddy

Does Costco sometimes frustrate you because you would like to get those banana for 99 cents but you know you will be making banana bread when half go brown? Well, a friend of mine and I are testing a shopping buddy system. We made our separate lists and went to Costco together. We bought bananas, oatmeal, flour, sugar and several other things that are just too much at one time for either of us - along with the rest of our own list. We then went to my house and split everything into gallon baggies - carefully labeling and dating so we could see how long it took us to go through this first trial. We had the clerk make a separate receipt for the items so it was easily split. If this works then we are going to just let each other know when we go and what is on our list - we aren't going to be shopping for each other - but if it something I need as well we can split it. It was nice to shop with a friend and grab lunch so we plan to make a 4 to 6 week trip together too.


  1. I seldom buy produce at Costco because the quantities are too large. This is a great idea!

  2. I have a suggestion re: produce in larger amounts. We can't eat it fast enough either, that is until I found the magic of 'silver' containers & 'Green bags'. I found the plastic, lock-type containers through "SHARPER IMAGE". They REALLY work! The bad news is that Sharper Image went out of business, so I'm looking everywhere to buy more. (I'm sure 'SOMEBODY' will take up the gauntlet!) The food lasts upwards of a month, depending on the food. Even raspberries' freshness extend out at least 2-3 weeks & they're the most fragile in the berry world. Sans the Sharper Image containers, the Green bags work pretty well also; they have a limited life expectancy (about 8-10 uses), but better than regular plastic bags. I've had spinach last a month in the bag & cauliflower at least that long as well. Gives you time to eat it up!

  3. Good to know, good to know. We don't have a Costco but there are times when even a little is too much...and I learned in kindergarten that sharing is good!
