Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Tia has been a total "worthy" for at least 15 years now on the subject of spring cleaning. I remember when I was 16 and the parents left us home with Joe and Sara that week. I wanted to read, Tia wanted to clean. She had this whole program for home beautification. I wasn't about to throw a wild party but my bar was set at a reachable goal--not burning down the house.

Tia is still cleaning her way through spring break and I'm still not burning down the house.

My goal this year, though, is tackling that assorted miscellany we call the garage. Tia would be so proud. Here's my "before".


  1. I remember really organizing our garage for the first time. I picked up every loose nail, screw, washer, etc...that we had every bought and not used and sorted the darn things out. It took some time, but in the long run we've saved tons of time and money on not making unnecessary trips to Home Depot.

  2. We're getting our house ready to put on the market (sighhh)and so "Spring Cleaning" is a must!
    I've never had to do it before with a full time job and must make it in smaller bites, which bites, because I never feel like it is totally clean then.

  3. Is that a 'FOR RENT' sign I see in the background? Maybe that's your answer!!! You can rent it IF they clean it first....THEN say you changed your mind! Sounds good to me!!
